OPEN MEETING – National Garden Scheme by Ed Fairey

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Our next Open Meeting is on Monday 20th March 2023 and the talk is entitled ‘The History of the National Garden Scheme’ and will be given by Ed Fairey. The Bowling Club doors in Abbey Lane will be open from 2:00 pm for a 2:30 pm start.

Ed Fairey is the Managing Director of Fairey Associates, one of the UK’s leading firms of Wealth Managers. He is also a highly skilled gardener and garden designer who has, for the last few years, been developing his three-acre garden in the north east of Essex. He has opened his garden for the National Garden Scheme for a number of years and is part of the NGS Essex volunteer team.

The National Gardening Scheme charity began in 1927 and this talk includes how the fashion for gardening has changed over the years, who has typically opened their garden for charity, and how a garden shouldn’t be judged by its size. Ed Fairey illustrates his talk with gardens from around the country but there is, of course, a special emphasis on Essex gardens.

All proceeds go towards the annual donation made by the National Garden Scheme to nursing and health charities. We also support charities doing amazing work in gardens and health, award grants to help community gardening projects and support gardeners at the start of their career.

As always there will be refreshments with a free raffle and plenty of opportunities to socialise with your u3a friends. We look forward to seeing you there.

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