OPEN MEETING – Talk by Andy Thomas on “Paranormal Mysteries and Cover-Ups”

Event Details

Our next Open Meeting is on Monday 15th April 2024 at the Bowling Club in Abbey Lane, doors open at 1:45 pm for a 2:30 pm start. Our speaker is Andy Thomas who, you may remember, gave us a talk on Crop Circles a few years ago. He returns now to give us ‘Paranormal Mysteries and Cover-ups’.

In a thought-provoking and lively presentation, Andy Thomas explores some of the most famous global mysteries, finding intriguing linking threads between them. What is the truth about real-life ‘X Files’ – UFOs, ghosts, the Bermuda Triangle, strange creatures, religious apparitions, psychic phenomena and historical enigmas? Why do some people insist that unexplained phenomena is actively covered-up, and what is the connection to shadowy elites and their fascination with ancient symbolism? Are we really told the truth about the world we live in, and if not why not?

There will be refreshments and the usual free raffle, so please come along for an entertaining and social afternoon – see you there.

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