Please remember there is no Open Meeting in December. Our next Open Meeting is on Monday 15th January 2024 at the Bowling Club in Abbey Lane. Doors open at 1:45 pm for a 2:30 pm start.
The talk is entitled: ‘Butterflies of Britain and Europe’ and will be given by Roger Gibbons.
Roger Gibbons lives on the south coast of France for most of the year and has done so for the past eight years. He is on a personal quest to see all 240 mainland species of butterfly and to date he has seen 221. He actively researches the Country’s butterflies of the PACA (Provence, Alps, Côte d’Azur) and submits his data to French national and regional databases of conservation bodies. Roger studies the ecology and regional variation of species within the PACA region and has a particular interest in the identification of Pyrgus (Grizzled Skippers), of which there are 14 species in France.
Roger is also a keen photographer and shares his butterfly images and knowledge on his own Butterflies of France website. His photos are widely published and he also gives presentations on European butterflies to UK conservation groups and various other groups, including U3As. He helped to organise the 2013 International EIG and Proserpine Conference on Butterfly Conservation in France. His in-depth knowledge and passion for butterflies combined with his easy going manner make him an ideal speaker.
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