Registration for Activities and Annual General Meeting

Event Details

REGISTRATION and AGM – Monday 3rd September 2018 at the Baptist Church. Saffron Walden.

Doors open for Registration at 1.00pm and the AGM starts at 2.30pm. Refreshments available.

Click here to see a list of responsibilities of the various committee members.

Download this form  (pdf version) if you wish to join or to nominate someone to join the committee – at least 28 days before the AGM.

Membership renewal forms will be posted to all members in August and will also be available at Registration before the AGM and can be downloaded below.

Click here to print an application form and click here to download a gift aid form. ( If you are a tax payer we can claim back 25p for each £1 of your subscription from HMRC so it is a great help to us if members are able to complete the gift aid form – thanks).


Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of Saffron Walden U3A will be held at Saffron Walden Baptist Church on Monday 3rd September 2018 at 2.30 pm, or at any adjournment thereof.


  1. Chairman’s welcome
  2. Apologies for absence
  3. Minutes of the previous AGM (Draft Minutes of AGM 4th September 2017)
  4. Chairman’s report for the year ended 31 July 2018
  5. Treasurer’s report for the year ended 31 July 2018 and Adoption of Accounts (draft Accounts will be posted here late August and only a very limited number of hard copies will be available on day)
  6. Appointment of the Independent Examiner of Accounts
  7. Amendment to replace the first paragraph of item 3, Charitable Purposes, in our Constitution with: “The advancement of education and, in particular, the education of older people and those who are retired from full time work by all means, including associated activities conducive to learning and personal development.” (Click here to see a copy of our present constitution)
  8. Election of the Committee for 2018-2019
  • Under the terms of the Constitution, all the members of the Executive Committee, including those serving as Officers, will retire at the Annual General Meeting.
  • Non-officer members of the Executive Committee have a one-year term of office and may serve not more than three terms.
  • Officers other than the Treasurer have a one-year term of office and may serve not more than three terms in a particular Officer role.
  1. Any other Business                                                                                          

 Only current members are entitled to attend, vote and speak at the Meeting.

Janet Pearson, Secretary

Minutes of previous AGMs and Accounts for previous years can be found on our Publications page.

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