Saffron Walden u3a Christmas Buffet
We are pleased to announce that we are reintroducing our popular Christmas Buffet this year – the first one for a few years, so we hope you’ll come along and join in the festivities.
The event is on Monday 19th December at the Saffron Walden Golf Club, 2:30 pm for 3:00 pm. There is ample parking and the gates will be open for us. You can order your drinks at the bar and our dining area will be suitably decorated for Christmas.
Selection of sandwiches: Chicken, Ham, Cheese & tomato
Sausage Rolls
Scotch Eggs
Sauces and condiments
Mince Pies
Fruit Scones
Selection of Cup Cakes
Tea and Coffee with after dinner mints
Christmas Crackers
Cost is £15 per head. Please book early to avoid disappointment – contact our Events Organiser Marilyn Hemmings on 07788 544401 or email by 30th November at the latest.
Please pay at time of booking. You can pay by BACS: U3A Saffron Walden, sort code 60 18 10, account 16635175 – for reference put ‘Xmas’ and advise Marilyn. If you’re paying by cheque please make cheques payable to ‘Saffron Walden u3a’ and post to Marilyn Hemmings, 14 Ashdon Road, Saffron Walden CB10 2AT.
Remember to advise her of any allergies you may have. We look forward to seeing you there.
Best wishes,
Saffron Walden u3a Committee
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