Zoom AGM September 2020

Event Details

Online AGM 2020 

Our May Newsletter warned that alternative arrangements for this year’s AGM would probably be necessary. With the continuing Government restrictions affecting the gathering of large groups of people resulting from the Coronavirus pandemic, our AGM, planned for 7th September, will not go ahead.  Adopting guidance issued by the Third Age Trust, the AGM will now be conducted, adhering to normal AGM procedures, by the current elected Committee on Monday 21st September at 11.00 on Zoom.

Any questions you wish to raise arising from the 2019 AGM minutes, which were included in the April issue of ‘Update’, should be sent to the Secretary to arrive no later than Wednesday 16th September. You will receive a response to your query following the meeting. Any member who wishes to view the AGM (view only, no audio input for members) via Zoom should contact Jim Dwyer (jim_dwyer@btinternet.com) to receive an invitation. 

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual General Meeting of Saffron Walden U3A will be held online via Zoom on Monday 21st September 2020 at 11.ooam. 


  1. Chairman’s welcome
  2. Apologies for absence
  3. Minutes of the previous AGM – download here
  4. Chairman’s report for the year ended 31 July 20120
  5. Treasurer’s report for the year ended 31 July 2020 and Adoption of Accounts – download audited accounts here
  6. Appointment of the Independent Examiner of Accounts
  7. Election of the Committee for 2020-2021
  • Under the terms of the Constitution, all the members of the Executive Committee, including those serving as Officers, will retire at the Annual General Meeting.
  • Non-officer members of the Executive Committee have a one-year term of office and may serve not more than three terms.
  • Officers other than the Treasurer have a one-year term of office and may serve not more than three terms in a particular Officer role.
  1. Resolution relating to the amendment of the Constitution received under Clause 14 – see below.
  2. Any other business at the discretion of the Chairman of the meeting.


Written nominations by a proposer and seconder will need to be sent to the Secretary at least 28 days before the AGM (i.e. by 24th August 2020).   Nomination forms are available on the Committee page of this website. Further details here.


Existing Clause 7.vi shall be replaced by:

7.vi.  Terms of office and limits on periods of service

  • All Officers and Non-Officers of the Executive Committee shall have a one-year term of office and may serve not more than six terms in any one role.
  • No individual may serve more than a maximum of nine years in any combination of Officer roles or Non-Officer member, after which there must be a break of at least one calendar year.

Only current members are entitled to attend, vote and speak at the Meeting.

Anthony Treglown, Secretary

Click here for further detail about the AGM and Membership

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