Event Details

Our annual U3A Christmas Tea is being held on Tuesday 8th December 2015 at the Saffron Hotel – 2 for 2.30pm

The cost per person is at the new lower price of £9 to be paid by cheque (payable to Saffron Walden U3A).  See below for menu.

Tickets available at our Monday Open Meetings or from our Events Co-ordinator Pauline Palmer  01799 502560  pauline.palmer3@ntlworld.com. Book early as this event sells fast.

Tickets will also be available at our new members morning on the 12th October.

The Menu is as follows:

Selection of Vol-au-vents

Mini Red Onion and Goats Cheese Tarts

Selection of Mini Soft Rolls

Sticky Redcurrant Jelly and Wholegrain Mustard Cocktail Sausages

Cheese, Celery and Grape Skewers

Spicy Vegetable Samosas

Desserts: Mince Pies/ Stollen


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