The Theatre & Travel Group on their Olympic Park Cruise
Representatives of this group will have a table at each Open Meeting at the Bowls Club, Abbey Lane from 1.45 pm on the 3rd Monday of each month, (except August and December) where there will be the opportunity to collect the current T&T list, book and pay for outings/holidays, and to talk to organisers. The T&T programme will also be emailed to all members approximately every 3 months, and all details will be on the website.
Outings, concerts and holidays are open to all Saffron Walden U3A members. Brief details of future outings are included below, or click on the image on the right to enlarge.
Further information may be obtained from:
Outings and Concerts – Christine Duffy – 01799 520 173 – (mobile number which should only be used during trips: 07786 402 776) –, Jim Dwyer – 01799 521 524 mobile 07531 115160 – and John Martin 01799 521 504 (mobile 07803 197 983) –
Holidays – Jean Little – 01799 513 411 –
In case of an Emergency
Please have your emergency contact details on your person when travelling on outings, theatre trips, and holidays. Thank you.
Uttlesford Community Bus
We are registered with Uttlesford Community Travel and this service is available to our members. So if you have any transport requirements, remember to contact Uttlesford Community Travel on 01799 519008 or 01371 875787. You can also email on
Reserve Lists
If you are on a reserve list, could you please advise the organiser if you change your mind and no longer wish to remain on that list. Thank you.
Paying for Trips
If paying by direct bank transfer: U3A SAFFRON WALDEN – Sort code 60 18 10 – Account number 16635183. Reference: abbreviation of venue+surname
If you want to pay by cheque please make it out to Saffron Walden u3a and liaise with the appropriate coordinator
Coach Pick-Up Points for all T&T Outings, Theatres and Holidays
Saffron Walden
Thaxted/Peasland Road – Bus Stop on Thaxted Road just before Pedestrian Crossing
The Common – Bus Stop by entrance to Car Park
Station Steet – Bus Stop at bottom of Station Street by B&R Carpets
Swan Meadow – Coach Park
Newport & Quendon if travelling in that direction or unless otherwise stated
Newport – Coach & Horses Pub preferred if possible
Quendon – Opposite Village Hall
Theatre and Travel Events
Click on the blue links in each case to find out more.