Line Dancing

Saffron Walden, U3A, Line Dancing

Thanks to Rod George for the above photograph taken at Eastertime, and as you can see, the Easter Bunny dropped in to dance too!  Click on photo to enlarge.

Group Co-ordinators: Rod and Betty George – 01799 584 527 – and

This group meets each Monday at the United Reformed Church Hall from 12.00 to 1.00pm.

We have over 25 members who get great enjoyment from this activity which also has mental and physical benefits.

At present the Line Dancing Class is very popular and dancing has reached improvers level. But sometimes a space occurs, so that a person on the waiting list can join in. So please contact the co-ordinator if you would like to be put on our waiting list or to find out more about this activity.


Photo by Brian Eastcott